Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Workplace Conflicts Prayer

Father God,

I need your supply of love,healing and guidance as I face problems and conflicts on my job. I ask for the removal of negativity,adversities and nonsense in my workplace. I need your divine intervention,wisdom and grace- so I may be understood and understanding with everyone I work with. I ask for your clarity and positivity in all my career orineted affairs. Thank you for loving me and annointing me with your favor and blessings- I am grateful to have a job, knowing any and all conflicts are already resolved,in Jesus's name Amen.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

To Be Forgiven Prayer

Father, You are my source of love, forgiveness and acceptance. All other sources have left me emotionally wounded and confused. I built my walls of self-protection, turned my back on You and the spring of living water; I dug my own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water. I repent of my transgressions. In the name of Jesus, I ask You to cleanse me and take away my guilt. Jesus, I drink from the living water; I believe on You, and out of my innermost being shall flow rivers of living water. Amen.